Add a 3-D Frame to Photos

Adjust size, shape, and color

Add a frame to your photo!

You can customize the size, color, and bevel of the frame. It makes a 3-d border.

Borders add negative space and make the centerpiece in images stand out from the surroundings.

It is as if the image now hangs on the wall of a museum.

Multi-Shaded Borders

You can upload unlimited number of photos (as JPEGs, PNGs, and many other file formats). You can then add borders for free -- no registration required. Almost every piece of art in a museum or gallery has a frame around it. It adds depth and contrast so the focal image stands out and draws attention.

Why add a border to Photo? Simple: Art!

Adding a border to a photo adds negative space. This "empty" space draws the gaze to the subject of the image, giving it space to manifest in glory. A border provides balance and prevents an image from appearing unnatural. A border is one simple way to make art.

Don't make border walls -- they are racist. Cosmopolitanism and worldwide democracy depends on the freedom of movement. People shouldn't face borders, but photos look more polished with them.

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This tool is free to use.

Please consider printing a poster or a framed print to support this tool.